Our Story


Welcome to State Issue Apparel

The journey began 9 years ago while going through the criminal justice system. The women I met, talent, creativity, and the stories I learned made me want to find a way to help women and make a difference. People, ideas and opportunities kept coming before me, putting each piece in place to build State Issue and we launched in 2020.  Though we landed in the heart of Covid we are pushing through with our dream.

State Issue is a new brand of Urban wear that brings awareness to the creativity and talent that lives behind the prison walls.  Inspired and designed by incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women, we are a brand that offers hope and opportunity through empowerment and employment, and gives back to the community. A brand that speaks your mind about social and criminal justice reform.

State Issue says NO to mass incarceration, and YES to second chances.

When you wear our brand, you are joining us on a journey to speak your mind about reform and second chances. You are united with us in making a difference. 10% of our proceeds go back to help the community.

Our mission is to start out with graphic T's, hats, hoodies, and beanies. As we grow, we will provide unique, State Issue designs. (The first one is in the works!)

Our goal is to be successful enough to make a difference  that counts. Sell much, employ many, make a difference! 

Thank you for joining our journey, and watch as we grow! 

Kathy Heinzel